Jonathan Scolnick
Jonathan Scolnick is an educator and writer living in Buenos Aires. Born in Philadelphia, he has called Champaign, Brooklyn, and Medellin home. Jonathan likes learning about culture through conversations over the dinner table. He can always be tempted by generous portions of delicious food at economical prices served at authentic spots with little fanfare. When cooking at home, he is liberal with the garlic and spice. Though he is still learning how to prepare the ideal stir-fry. In short: fresh fruit over candy. Red wine over white. Coffee taken black.
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About Dalstrong
Professional kitchens are hidden spaces filled with passion, rage, pain, euphoria, and innovation that few people ever see. There's a fire that burns within chefs, pitmasters, and line cooks as they try to keep pace with relentless demand, always pushing themselves and each other for greatness.